It can be intimidating to begin a reporting form if you are not sure what you’re going to be asked.  So that you can feel prepared we have compiled a list of the questions you will be asked.

In the Anonymous Reporting form, all questions are multiple choice, there are no free text boxes. You will also be asked about your reason(s) for reporting anonymously.

In the Request Contact from an Adviser form there is one question with a free text box where you can tell us about what happened. You will be asked to provide your name and contact details so an Adviser can contact you. 

Otherwise the reporting forms are identical:. 


  1. Are you reporting on behalf of yourself or someone else?
  2. What is your connection with the University of Bristol? 
  3. Which of the following best describes the situation you are experiencing? 
    • Bullying and Harassment
      • Bullying
      • Antisocial behaviour
      • Online abuse
      • Unsolicited and uncomfortable contact from someone
      • Other
    • Discrimination
      • Unfair treatment 
      • Microaggressions
      • Discrimination by association
      • Offensive language
      • Hate crime 
      • Other
    • Physical Assault
      • Assault with no weapon (punching, kicking, slapping etc)
      • Assault with a weapon
      • Assault from a group
      • Spitting 
      • Threats of violence
      • Thrown items
      • Other
    • Sexual Assault or Sexual Harassment
      • Rape
      • Unwanted touching
      • Revenge porn
      • Stalking/cyber stalking
      • Unwanted sexually explicit messages or phonecalls
      • Relationship abuse
      • Indecent exposure
      • Drink spiking 
      • Honour based abuse
      • Other
  4. Request contact only: Please provide brief details of the report you would like to make. 
  5. How long have you been the incidents/concerns you are reporting?
  6. Do you feel that any of the following were motivating factors in what you are reporting? 
    • Age
    • Disability
    • Gender
    • Sexual orientation 
    • Ethnicity
    • Religion or belief
    • Having children
    • Having caring responsibilities
    • Nationality
    • Socio-economic background
    • None of the above
  7. Where did this incident take place?
  8. Which area of the University are you connected to? 
  9. Anonymous form only: Can you tell us why you’ve chosen to report anonymously today?
  10. Request contact only: Please provide your name, student number, and email address or phone number, and tell us how you prefer to be contacted. 

Equality monitoring questions :

(These questions are optional, you don’t have to answer them)

  1. Age range
  2. Ethnicity information
  3. Disability Status
  4. My gender identity is:
  5. Gender identity status
  6. I would describe my sexual orientation as:
  7. I would describe my Religion or belief as:

There are two ways you can tell us what happened